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Book Clever

Mostly just my books, but also some reviews (they might contain spoilers, they're imported from GR and don't parse).

I'm an avid reader of all types, but be warned that I mostly enjoy: horror, sci-fi, fantasy, romances and M/M erotica.

Guerra mundial Z/ World War Z: Una historia oral de la guerra zombie/ An Oral History of Zombie War (Spanish Edition)

Guerra mundial Z: Una historia oral de la guerra zombie - Max Brooks I read a few pages, got bored, gave up. Picked up up for a second try, got bored, gave up. The third time I decided I'd just as well not bother anymore. I think I'll stick to the movie for once, at least there was action there.

That said, I don't much fancy the journalist type books, so that probably had something to do with it too.