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Book Clever

Mostly just my books, but also some reviews (they might contain spoilers, they're imported from GR and don't parse).

I'm an avid reader of all types, but be warned that I mostly enjoy: horror, sci-fi, fantasy, romances and M/M erotica.

Castle in the Air

Castle in the Air - Diana Wynne Jones This is a sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, and like it, it doesn't fail to deliver it's funny moments. The setting is slightly different, however, as it reminds you more of something just out of 1001 Nights. There's even appearances of characters from Howl's Moving Castle, including Howl and Sophie themselves, however there is no real need to have read that book in order to fully enjoy this one.Much like the first, I can't put it down for too long that I will be re-reading it.