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Book Clever

Mostly just my books, but also some reviews (they might contain spoilers, they're imported from GR and don't parse).

I'm an avid reader of all types, but be warned that I mostly enjoy: horror, sci-fi, fantasy, romances and M/M erotica.

Los Dias de La Sombra (Otros Mundos) (Spanish Edition)

Los días de la sombra - Liliana Bodoc I can't say how much I love this trilogy. I bought all three in a whim, and when I learned the author had previously only made children books, I thought I would be disappointed, but I was not.I don't regret my purchase at all. It kept me hooked from beginning of the first book until the very end of the last book. It's a sort of cavemen story, if you may, mixed in with fantasy.They must be read in order. The three books describe in parts the main setting and troubles that arise, an all out war between good and evil, and it's resolution.